Advantages of immediate-loading post-extractive implant


Dr. Cesare Bottos

Founder and owner at Studio Bottos San Vito al Tagliamento (UD) - Italy and other dental practices limited to implant surgery.

Opinion Leader for Advan S.r.l.


Immediate-loading post-extractive implant

The execution of an immediate-loading post-extractive implant offers many advantages in terms of simplified surgical procedures and, at the same time, several parameters must be carefully evaluated in order to obtain good aesthetic and functional results. The use of Advan GTB Tzero implants allows for excellent primary stability to be achieved, and therefore the possibility of immediate loading of the implant. At the same time, the GFA system allows for the connection to be correctly placed between the implant and the prosthetic abutment, in order to obtain the best aesthetic result that an implant rehabilitation of a front tooth requires.

Case description

A 55-year-old woman came to us with swelling and a buccal fistulaat tooth 2.1. On periodontal probing, the probe indicated a punctiform vestibular depth of 12 mm and a palatal depth of 13 mm. A vertical fracture of the coronal enamel was also detected (Fig. 1.1). A periapical radiograph was taken, which revealed an area of mesialradiolucency about halfway along the length of the root (Fig. 1.2). There was no pain on pressure and no pain on percussion. Negative vitality test with crio spray.Therefore, it was decided to perform the tooth extraction and the placement of an immediate-loading implant.